Refunds and Returns Policy

We want you to shop hassle-free at Black & White Photographics

Most purchases go through with no problems at all. However, if your item doesn’t arrive or wasn’t what was described or defective within 30 days after you receive it:

  • We’ll make sure that you get the item you ordered; or
  • You’ll be fully refunded the purchase price and original postage costs if the error lies with us.
  • We can also arrange an exchange of goods.
  • Simply contact us on (08) 8363 0224 or via email at or return to Black & White Photographics,  31 George St,  Stepney   SA   5069

You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them, to be eligible to receive a full refund.

Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business if the goods purchased are faulty, not fit for purpose or don’t match the seller’s description.

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